A veces, como en la película, viene más a cuenta dejar a un lado programas de las asignaturas y ver que unos adolescentes mugrientos con chupa de cuero e insultos por diálogos se transforman en elegantes mods del swingin' London con chaquetas de colores y tratan a sus chicas como auténticas damas. Se trata de educar, de hacerles ver los valores buenos de la vida.
Este año tampoco se ha cumplido el sueño (le echaremos la culpa a mi rodilla, que no me ha dejado estar en los últimos días), pero volviendo la vista atrás son varias las veces que los alumnos me han felicitado, me han vitoreado, aplaudido y dado las gracias, aunque sea con una sonrisa, con una mirada. Y eso te pone el mismo nudo en la garganta que al protagonista, y todas las charlas, explicaciones, peroratas, consejos, regañinas... palabras, se quedan sin salir de la garganta, transformándose en lágrimas de alegría.
Os dejo con el final de la película, y con la letra de la canción que interpreta la "popy" Lulu:
Those schoolgirl days, of telling tales and biting nails are gone,
But in my mind,
I know they will still live on and on,
But how do you thank someone, who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn't easy, but I'll try,
If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters,
That would soar a thousand feet high,
To Sir, with Love
The time has come,
For closing books and long last looks must end,
And as I leave,
I know that I am leaving my best friend,
A friend who taught me right from wrong,
And weak from strong,
That's a lot to learn,
What, what can I give you in return?
If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start,
But I, would rather you let me give my heart,
To Sir, with Love
But in my mind,
I know they will still live on and on,
But how do you thank someone, who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn't easy, but I'll try,
If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters,
That would soar a thousand feet high,
To Sir, with Love
The time has come,
For closing books and long last looks must end,
And as I leave,
I know that I am leaving my best friend,
A friend who taught me right from wrong,
And weak from strong,
That's a lot to learn,
What, what can I give you in return?
If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start,
But I, would rather you let me give my heart,
To Sir, with Love